François CHAUMARD – The performance of a triathlete

Just by its name, SATISFORM obviously inspires two positive feelings, satisfaction and fitness. What about my experience? Well, it was a confirmation.

I was curious to see what Satisform could bring me considering my scoliosis. Christophe told me:

"You'll see, the sessions will benefit you thanks to joint decompression."

Will I be able to run without my recurring back issues? I asked.
No problem, Satisform also has a preventive effect.
Indeed, this year, I haven't had any back problems despite my numerous training sessions and multiple running competitions (10K/15K/half-marathon and marathon), as well as four triathlons (1 Ironman, two half-Ironman, and one sprint). On the contrary, I have never felt so good, and at 54, it's the first time I've completed so many races (14 in a year).

I was even surprised to naturally feel what I call "Satisform flashes" at certain moments in my races, both physically and mentally, significantly improving my performance.

I felt it for the first time during a half-marathon after undergoing a three-week treatment as part of a study conducted by a sports science student at the University of Le Mans.

At the 17th kilometer, I was struggling, but unlike previous races, I distinctly felt a new openness and relaxation in the amplitude of my strides. Usually, it's the opposite at this stage of the race...

Ease overcomes suffering. Well-being annihilates discomfort.

The Satisform sessions with all the attention and kindness of Christophe are a huge help for me both physically and psychologically, instilling sports confidence.

In conclusion, my FITNESS contributes to my SATISFACTION, and I am SATISFIED to be FIT. The SATISFORM loop is complete, so a big THANK YOU!


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