Testimonials from Satisform patients

Retrouvez les avis de professionnels et d’utilisateurs des concepts et des produits Satisform®.

Just by its name, SATISFORM obviously inspires two positive feelings, satisfaction and fitness. What about my experience? Well, it was a confirmation. I was curious to see what Satisform could...

It's a big plus for recovery; DPA Sport greatly facilitates relaxation... Hamilton SABOT starts gymnastics at the age of 17 at Olympique Antibes Juan-les-Pins1, where he is coached by Philippe...

"I've incorporated the DPA Sport into my training and recovery. Beyond reducing the risk of injury, this device truly brings a performance boost. I have 2 to 3 sessions per week as part of my...

"I am currently preparing for the 2012 London Olympics! My goal is to go as far as possible in the competition! My coach has integrated Satisform equipment into my general physical preparation...

"A good time. Less tension in the back. Ready for the start of the AG2R transatlantic race tomorrow. Best wishes." Nicolas Troussel, 37 years old, 2 children, professional skipper from the Bay...

« This machine is awesome. It’s nice and relaxing. Also very easy to use. Thank you for the opportunity to use it. My back feels great. » Kees Meeuws, born on July 26, 1974,...

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